A dog will sit at the front door waiting for hours for his person. Take a minute to say hello when you arrive. You would do that for a human.
"FOOTPRINTS" is a song that was inspired by my support dog Doc. He comes running whenever he hears me sing it. I think everyone should sing to their dog.
A Word About the Author: It's time to ban fur!
I am the daughter of a Yukon trapper. I grew up wearing Mukluks but I have never trapped a day in my life. I am an animal rights advocate. I don't eat meat and I no longer wear fur. Now that science can replicate any fabric or fur no animal should ever have to suffer and die in the cruel steel jaws of a trap for the sake of human vanity.
The Yukon is my homeland. It is 186,000 thousand square miles of some of the most pristine wilderness in the world. We are the jewel in Canada's crown and sled dogs have always been our helpmates. My own mother ran dog team but she never raced them – there is a BIG difference between mushing and racing! No sled dog should ever be run to death in a brutal 1,000-Mile race like the Yukon Quest.
Let's make this a more humane world! Start here: https://surl.li/ilpid
"When you protect the land and the animals you protect yourself." - PJ Yukon

On Nov 5, 2019 Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II set a great example when she stopped wearing fur. I am the daughter of a Yukon trapper but I never trapped a day in my life. Things change. In today's world no animal should ever have to suffer and die purely for the vanity of a human.
November 6 2019: It has been announced that Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will no longer wear fur! That's HUGE! Kudo's to the Queen for setting an honourable example! No animal should ever have to suffer & die in agony for the vanity of a human! *As the daughter of a Yukon trapper my message is this: Times change. Let's work together to make this a more humane world! www.independent.co.uk/life-style/queen-elizabeth-fur-faux-real-ceremonial-buckingham-palace-a9186561.html
February 2021: At this time of year the foxes, lynx bears, wolves and coyotes start to prowl around the Yukon. Sometimes I hold my phone out the back door when the coyotes are out there yip-yapping. These are from a band that camps by a creek near my place.
We all need to stand up and speak out to protect the precious creatures with whom we share this planet. When you speak for those who have no voice your soul smiles. - PJ Yukon Poet Laureate
#coyotes #yukon #wildlife #animaladvocacy
On Nov 5, 2019 Queen Elizabeth set a great example when she quit wearing fur. I am the daughter of a Yukon trapper but I never trapped a day in my life. In today's world no animal should have to suffer & die just so someone can walk down a catwalk wearing its pelt. #yukon #animalrights #allbeingsmatter #banfur
November 6 2019: It has been announced that Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will no longer wear fur! That's HUGE! Kudo's to the Queen for setting an honourable example! No animal should ever have to suffer & die in agony for the vanity of a human! *As the daughter of a Yukon trapper my message is this: Times change. Let's work together to make this a more humane world! www.independent.co.uk/life-style/queen-elizabeth-fur-faux-real-ceremonial-buckingham-palace-a9186561.html
Read more: https://pj-johnson-yukon-poet-laureate.webnode.page/pj-johnson-animal-advocate/
As an Animal Advocate I am strongly opposed to the horrific abuse of sled dogs here in the north. I consider it a stain on the history of my homeland. Read more about my personal experience here ~~> Long-distance Sled Dog Racing Is Inhumane!
If you care about the horrific plight of the Northern sled dogs who continue to suffer and die in the cruel Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race please take a moment to sign and share the petition at: https://bit.ly/2JkupnW. You are welcome to comment and you can also make a donation to promote the petition. Every donation serves to raise worldwide awareness and keep it relevant. *Presently signed by a combined total of over 140.000 people from over 170 countries on all seven continents around the world yet the Yukon Government continues to fund this barbaric event. We need more voices to speak for those who cannot. These animals need help!
August 19 2020: *Please note that the petition that was initally located on Avaaz at https://bit.ly/2BrtP70 has been hacked and is no longer available. It had been signed in good faith by 2,000 people. The peitition has been moved to another platform. Please take a moment to sign and share this important petition at: https://bit.ly/2Jk upnW
February 14 2018: Yesterday I watched an entire sled dog team collapse at the finish line after running 1,000 miles in the grueling Yukon Quest. This year yet another dog has died on the trail in -55 degrees below temperatures. Please take a moment to sign and share the petition to protect Yukon Sled Dogs! Click here to sign. https://bit.ly/2JkupnW
Read more: https://www.yukonpoetlaureate.com/news-/
January 27 2018: Today is exactly one week before the start of the cruel and inhumne 35th annual 1,000-mile #YUKONQUEST sled dog race where dogs are often run to death & maimed for life. Every year as the race approaches I am filled with dread. I continue to campaign against this atrocity as a lone voice. Although local citizens will often tell me on the QT that they are glad I'm speaking out against this race they are not comfortable to join me in speaking out for fear of reprisal -afterall the Yukon Quest is BIG business here in the Yukon! I am not against mushing - my own mother ran a team. However there is a big difference between mushing and racing. Sled dog racing has become a legal form of animal abuse.
And so I say to you - Do NOT support ANIMAL ABUSE! Just say NO to 1,000-mile #SLEDDOG races. Life on a 4-foot chain 24-7 isn't love. The entire 'sled dog industry' is rife with endless cruelty and expoitation all in the name of fame and greed. Teach your children to honour, respect & protect the creatures with whom we share this planet! #BanIditQuest #YQ2018 #YUKONQUEST #ANIMALCRUELTY https://bit.ly/2paXlV8
January 8 2018: The YUKON QUEST IS A LEGAL FORM OF ANIMAL ABUSE where #sleddogs are forced to run 1,000 miles in brutal conditions. How many will die this year? How many will be maimed for life? #BANIDITQUEST #YQ2018 #Yukon #AnimalRights #AnimalWelfare ~~> https://bit.ly/2paXlV8 <~~
It is a sad reflection on humanity that animals continue to be tortured for entertainment. - PJ Yukon Poet Laureate
#Yukon #BanIditQuest #YQ2018 #AnimalCruelty https://bit.ly/2paXlV8
January 5th 2018: As the 35th annual Yukon Quest looms on the horizon I continue to campaign to expose the race for the abomination that it is. Scores of defenceless
#Sleddogs will once again be forced to run 1,000 miles over rugged terrain in subzero temperatures in the barbaric #YukonQuest when it takes off in Fairbanks Alaska on February 3rd 2018. It is a legal form of animal abuse. - How many dogs will survive the race? How many will be left maimed for life? #BanIditQuest #YQ2018
"Any industry that involves the warehousing of animals also involves pain and suffering to defenseless living beings.” -PJ Yukon Poet Laureate
Never chain your best friend
When I think of man’s inhumanity to the creatures with whom we share this planet my soul cries.
- PJ Yukon Poet Laureate - Animal Rights Advocate
As guardians of the creatures with whom we share this planet we all need to become animal advocates. - PJ Yukon Poet Laureate

Any industry that involves the warehousing of animals also involves pain and suffering to defenseless living beings. - PJ Yukon
Children should be taught to honour and respect all living creatures and that animal advocacy should be taught in schools from the moment a child enters the education system. - pj johnson Poet Laureate of the Yukon Animal Rights Advocate
Yukon Poet Laureate exposes animal cruelty in long distance sled dog racing!
I recently spoke out against the cruel 'sport' of long-distance sled dog races at Poetry In The Park during a visit to New Westminster B.C. If you care about the welfare of all creatures with whom we share this planet I invite you to join me in speaking out for the voiceless by sharing this video. To share it just hit the little arrow at the top of this video. #BanIditQuest
There is always something you can do to add your voice and speak out for the defenceless. The smallest effort can make a difference in the lives of suffering animals. You can help to expose the horror going on behind the scenes in long distance dog races: sign a petition, share a post on Facebook, write a letter to the editor, contact your local MP or city council. Join me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PJ_Yukon and Retweet posts from there. My handle is: @PJ Yukon. You can also type the hashtag #BanIditQuest into the Twitter Search Bar and you will find posts exposing the inhumane treatment of animals as well as others that promote animal welfare. You can Retweet them to others to inform, to educate, and to give a voice to the voiceless. Click here ~~> #BanIditQuest
The horror is real. Let's get together to protect the defenceless and put an end to the suffering!
If just one person stands up and speaks the truth, it can never be unheard. If many speak, it cannot be ignored. -pj johnson Yukon Poet Laureate & Animal Advocate #Yukon #BanIditQuest
We need to question the SPONSORS of ALL long distance dog races and ask them why are they funding animal abuse! A list of sponsors for the 2018 Yukon Quest can be seen at:
Corporate Sponsors Include: Air North; Walmart; Ford Motors; Canadian Tire; Klondike Visitor Association; Tim Hortons; Bank of Montreal; Westmark and Boston Pizza.

Government Partners Include: 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group; Alaska State Parks/Snow TRAC; Bureau of Land Management; City of Fairbanks; City of Whitehorse; Dawson City; Fairbanks North Star Borough; Kwanlin Dun First Nation; Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation; National Park Service; Selkirk First Nation; Ta'an Kwach'an First Nation; Tr'ondek Hwech'in First Nation; US Army- Ft. Wainwright; Village of Carmacks.
"I will fight to protect defenseless sled dogs and to end ALL long distance sled dog races until the last sled dog crosses the last finish line." - pj johnson Poet Laureate of the Yukon #Yukon #YukonQuest #Iditarod #BanIditQuest #Sleddogs

We must honour and protect the creatures with whom we share this planet and the very land itself for they are irreplaceable.
~ PJ Yukon Poet Laureate - Animal Rights Advocate
"I am the daughter of a Yukon trapper from a northern hunter/gathering culture who has chosen to adopt a meatless diet. A plant-based diet is much healthier, better for the planet, and does not harm animals."

April 29 2022 - Arbor Day.
Trees honour us in a thousand ways from stabilizing the ground beneath our feet in times of flood and landslides to providing shade and shelter in the blaze of a summer sun. Trees also serve as a home and food source to countless birds & wildlife as they buffer sound and enhance the beauty of our planet. Trees are indeed the lungs of a planet in need. We must honour and protect our old-growth forests where many have walked throughout the ages. Once a thousand year-old tree is cut down it doesn't grow back.
Did you know....

February 8 2022: Great news for the animals today! MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith Introduced Bill C-247 to End Fur Farming in Canada! - Another step toward making this a more humane world. *Please Remember: "Animals are not objects. We must learn to recognize all sentient nonhuman beings as persons by using pronouns such as 'someone’ rather than ‘something' in order to secure legislation that recognizes the inherent rights of all sentient nonhuman beings." ~ PJ Yukon Poet Laureate/Animal Rights Advocate
As of the End of December 2021: The petition asking Facebook to remove the unsubstantiated ban that was placed on my website on September 1st 2020 is still in effect. *The below comment was recently made on that petition in support of this website. *Please take a moment to sign and share that petition at: https://bit.ly/3Eoaz7o
Read more: https://www.yukonpoetlaureate.com/2022/
As of the End of December 2021: The petition asking Facebook to remove the unsubstantiated ban that was placed on my website on September 1st 2020 is still in effect. *The below comment was recently made on that petition in support of this website. *Please take a moment to sign and share that petition at: https://bit.ly/3Eoaz7o
Read more: https://www.yukonpoetlaureate.com/2022/
As of the End of December 2021: The petition asking Facebook to remove the unsubstantiated ban that was placed on my website on September 1st 2020 is still in effect. *The below comment was recently made on that petition in support of this website. *Please take a moment to sign and share that petition at: https://bit.ly/3Eoaz7o
Read more: https://www.yukonpoetlaureate.com/2022/
December 31 2021: Happy New Year to my friends, visitors, fellow artists, and animal rights advocates! Please remember as you celebrate to consider our non-human brothers who are terrified of fireworks. Lets make this a more humane world in 2022 and every year!
Fireworks disturb wildlife, pollute the earth and the air and kill and injure humans. They also terrify our pets. It's time to say goodbye to fireworks. Let's BAN this barbaric practice and make this a more humane world. #BanFireworks
On Nov 5, 2019 Queen Elizabeth set a great example when she quit wearing fur. I am the daughter of a Yukon trapper but I never trapped a day in my life. In today's world no animal should have to suffer & die just so someone can walk down a catwalk wearing its pelt. #yukon #animalrights #allbeingsmatter #banfur
*On September 3rd 2019 I spoke about the desperate plight of the northern sled dogs at an event in Toronto Ontario. The above video clip was filmed during that event.
October 31 2019: Keep animals safe at Halloween and over the holiday season. Remember candy can cause organ failure in dogs. Be sure your dog wears identification. Animals are terrified of fireworks & humans wearing masks. Do NOT put them in costumes where they can choke & ingest materials! Keep them inside where they are safe.
As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together. — Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)
My sweet Marley-boo