Newest posts can be viewed by year on side menu.
You can view my latest posts at: 2024
April 15 2024: News About My Name
My legal name is PJ. My last name used to be Johnson. I was advised that a published author's change of name could mean artistic suicide. Still I chose to lose the name. Who wants to be referred to by the last name of an abusive ex? Not me! Sign me: PJ Yukon!
PS The legalities are in the works.
The sled dog petition now sits at 150,620 supporters. The letter I sent to Yukon Premier Ranj Pilai regarding the petition and the present sled dog situation was ignored. No surprise there.
The latest news out of Alaska is that the Iditarod 1,000-mile sled dog race is struggling to stay afloat due to sponsors dropping out - mainly because they are being targetted by animal rights advocates - like me - who are calling them on supporting this blatant animal abuse in which 100's of dogs have died. *EIGHT DOGS DIED in this year's 2024 race alone! *See below screenshot from my Twitter (X) account.
December 13 2023
ONLY 147 SIGNATURES TO REACH 150,000 GOAL! Please SIGN SHARE & DONATE to this petition! Help put a STOP to Government Funding of a race that’s killed over 40 sled dogs! Lets make it happen!
~~> <~~ #Yukon #AnimalRights #AnimalCruelty #AnimalAbuse #Dogs
Wishing all a Happy Canada Day! Prior to my investiture as laureate on Canada Day 1994 I was commissioned to compose a work to celebrate my homeland. This is it. - PJ Yukon Poet Laureate #CanadaDay #Yukon #Canada #Poetry
June 21 2023 Summer Solstice in the Yukon! Here in the Land of the Midnight Sun - the sun never goes to bed in summer. Daylight 24 hours per day/night. Sometimes we forget to go to bed!
June 19 2023: In most parts of the #Yukon it doesn't get dark in summer. The sun basically circles on the horizon. You can sit outside and read a book at midnight. We get the opposite in winter when we get a bit sun-hungry. Then there's cabin fever. Every positive has a negative. #YukonFact


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Family isn't always about blood but about the heart.
I am blessed to have a very large tribe.
I stand blessed and equal among them.
~ The Journey
March 12 2023: My new poem "our queen" was featured on The New York Parrot today complete with ticker tape and news reports! Thank you NYP.
My new poem was also accepted for publication by the Lothlorian Journal in England. More at: 2023
February 23 2023
when the darkness of a winter moon
when the darkness of a winter moon
draws a curtain of light across the sky
and the birds return to sing the sun
back into the heavens
i dream of this....
PJ Yukon 2023
January 24 2023:
It has recently come to my attention that someone is creating merchandise containing my copyrighted quote “I’m not handi-capped I'm handi-capable!” without my permission. They are selling hoodies and T-Shirts at a high price and using the money to support a 'Sugar Daddy' enterprise.
If you see this quote online without my copyright do not support that business. They are scamming and advertising 'Sugar Momma's' and 'Sugar Daddies' which have a history of luring young women into prostitution. The only reason I might endorse my slogan on a product would be to donate any profits to protect animals or to benefit people who are disabled in some way.
November 4 2022: Receiving such honours is always humbling. #yukon
I recently came across an article published by Tulugaq in 1985 that I didn't know existed. Although I don't remember this interview it has likely been paraphrased but the facts are all there.
~ ~ ~ ~
(too-loo-gak): Inuktitut (the language of Inuit) word meaning raven
PJ Johnson
Whitehorse, YT
I am known as the Yukon Raven Lady. In 1985, I caught word that the Yukon government was planning to name the Whisky Jack as the territorial bird. That hit me the wrong way totally. I made some inquiries and ended up running a nine-month campaign in the media, complete with campaign buttons that said “I’m A Raven Maniac”. I also had a petition.
I proceeded to try and educate a lot of people about the raven. Nine months later, it ended in Bill 12, the Raven Act, and the raven was proclaimed the official territorial bird. I had to buck the government all the way. It was quite fun. It was in the newspapers in Yellowknife as well. They jumped into the fray and accused us of
raven-napping. At one point, the government said we could have any bird, except the raven. Anybody who’s been in Whitehorse any length of time knows if any bird is suitable for our symbol, it’s the raven. That’s it in a nutshell.
I did an interview with someone from Yellowknife and they wanted to have a debate on CBC. It was quite fun. I asked, “Don’t you guys already have an official symbol with that three-legged polar bear?” Whoever it was started sputtering, but it was all sort of in jest.
The raven is my spirit guide. It’s also the bird that is the most impressive. It’s the bird that is a year-round resident, it recycles, and is the most intelligent bird on the face of the earth. What do you see when you look out your window at 60 below? You see the raven dive-bombing the neighbour’s husky dog and the raven is walking around in bare feet. They’re so resourceful and they have a sense of humour in the face of adversity.
There is so much I admire about ravens that I aspire to myself. They’re monogamous as well. They live upwards of 79 or 80 years. A lot of these Yukon turkeys walking around have been here longer than the people. They use tools, too. In mythology, they are equated with life and creation, the Creator.
There are many stories of raven throughout the culture. What bothered me the most at the time was some of the ignorance. Ask the Elders who they identify with and who they would want as their symbol here in the North. The people making this decision had been here all of five minutes.
I tried to do some research on the corvids and found just about nothing to go on. One of the first viable studies done was by Bernd Heinrich, “Ravens in Winter”. We were in touch because he heard about this and got in touch with me. He actually dedicated his book ‘to all the raven maniacs who heard the call’. We traded information and we wondered if ravens from Maine and the Yukon would speak the same language when they talk.
I am the official poet laureate, the first one in Canada. The raven thing was 1985
and for a while, my life was nothing but ravens. I was getting calls from across Canada and the United States. People sent me stories about everything from the Queen’s ravens in the Tower of London to Edgar Allen Poe. This is the Pacific Northwest. This is not Europe. The raven does not symbolize to me death, but life and creation all the way. I have lots of things raven including a Yukon license plate. The Yukon government considered making that the license plate.
In honour of National Truth and Reconcilliation Day 2022.

July 31 2022: I am most honoured to be featured in the July 2022 issue of the WordCity Literary Journal. Special thanks to editor Darcie Friesen Hossack.
June 23 2022: I am presently compiling a collection of my quotes.
New Original Graphic Quotes! ~~> ORIGINAL QUOTES
June 21 2022: Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to celibrate as Canadians celebrate heritage and culture of First Nations, Inuit & Métis people. Watch “it was the land” by PJ Yukon Poet Laureate
#Yukon #NationalIndigenousDay #SummerSolstice2022
View my latest petition update posted May 26 2022 at:
Please Sign & Share this petition! With every share you speak for those who cannot.
March 25 2022: Pleased to share my new video poem "dogs are someone" composed March 13 2022 to promote the recognition of all animals as sentient beings. To gain meaningful legislation to protect them animals must be recognized as someone rather than something under the law. We need more effective laws to protect our nonhuman brothers and sisters.
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March 25 2022: Honoured to have my poem "because i am a sled dog" translated into Farci (Persian) and featured on the “A Poetic Nowruz-2” program on Ottawa Persian Radio on March 20th 2022. My poem "because i am a sled dog" has been published and translated into several languages including English, Italian, Welsh, Polish, Bengali, and now Farci (Persian).
March 17 2022: My poem "because i am a sled dog" will be featured and translated into Farci (Persian) on the “A Poetic Nowruz-2” program on Ottawa Persian Radio March 20th at 4:00 PM ET. *"because i am a sled dog" has been published around the world and translated into several languages including English, Italian, Welsh, Polish, Bengali, and now Farci (Persian).
February 26 2022: So once again the Yukon Quest is over and once again American Iditarod musher Brent Sass won the race. Again. Apparently this is Brent’s second Quest victory this year, finishing first on the Yukon Quest 550 held in Alaska two weeks ago. I think this is his fourth or fifth time congratulating himself as winner. Honestly I don't know why they call it the Yukon Quest since most of the mushers are American. They should just rename the race the Yukon/Iditarod Death Race since the mushers are mainly American and at least 40 sled dogs have died in it.
As far as I know no dogs died in this year's shortened races – but then again you can never really tell because many deaths go unreported. Dogs get abandoned on the trail or succumb to injuries and end up in the sled bag or get culled after the race. We never hear what happened to the dogs that get dropped at the check stops - but one way or another the dogs end up paying. The dogs that are still with us can now go back to life on the end of a 4-foot chain. The life of a northern sled dog is dismal at best.
I might also note that Sass’s dogs were gouging their necks into the snow and rolling on their backs from harness burn at the finish line as handlers ran around shoving pieces of meat into their mouths so they look happy and don’t roll in the ice. That always happens. It’s also common to see dogs tearing at their boots because they are cinched on too tight or conversely, dogs with no boots who have just been forced to run barefoot over sharp ice for a few hundred miles.
So the usual scene at the finish line – exhausted dogs with ears wilted as the winner props them up at the finish line for that all-important photo op. They’re planning to return the race to a distance of one thousand miles again in 2023.
On the upside I met with our Yukon Member of Parliament Dr. Brendan Hanley this week to discuss animal rights and the lack of effective animal protection legislation here in the Yukon and across Canada. It was a short but productive meeting in which some important information was exchanged and there is a plan to arrange for a second meeting in the near future. Perhaps there’s some hope. I’d like to think so.
I used to be a Truck Driver
February 4 2022 A convoy of questionable individuals are presently taking up residence on Wellington Street in front of the Canadian Parliament Buildings behaving deplorably and making life hell for Ottawa residents.
This is my response to them at: 2022
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January 2 2022: I recieved many honours and recognitions over the past year. It's always nice to know my work is appreciated. This one was especially nice. Read more:

December 31 2021: Happy New Year to my friends, visitors, fellow artists, and animal rights advocates! Please remember as you celebrate to consider our non-human brothers who are terrified of fireworks. Lets make this a more humane world in 2022!
Proud to have been featured in the live International event out of in Torino Italy hosted by Artists United For Animals to promote the protection of animals worldwide The poster reads: Happy 2022 with the wish for a better world for all our non-human brothers.
December 23 2021 The petition asking Facebook to remove the unsubstantiated ban that was placed on my website on September 1st 2020 is still in effect. *The below comment was recently made on that petition in support of this website. *Please take a moment to sign and share that petition.
December 20 2021
Wow 30 Years Ago! A few pics of me with actor Roy Ness and director Mike Ivens - cast and crew of my play "Dance of the Northern Lights" which premiered in Whitehorse in 1992 at the Yukon International Storytelling Festival and later in Ottawa at the National Gallery of Canada and the Astrolab Theatre. All performances were standing ovations!
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December 20 2021
Wow 30 Years Ago! A few pics of me with actor Roy Ness and director Mike Ivens - cast and crew of my play "Dance of the Northern Lights" which premiered in Whitehorse in 1992 at the Yukon International Storytelling Festival and later in Ottawa at the National Gallery of Canada and the Astrolab Theatre. All performances were standing ovations! *More at: Photos - pj Onstage
December 10 2021: Pleased that my poem "it was the land" was published in Maclean's Magazine online "The year ahead according to poet laureates from across Canada".
Poet laureates from across the country wrote about the upcoming year for Maclean's. Here's what they had to say about 2022.
December 7 2021: Pleased to announce I have two poems published in the New York Literary Parrot Series II Anthology! "dwight" in memory of my late brother and "it was the land" in honour of children who never returned home from residential schools in Canada.
November 4 2021: Honoured to have my poem "it was the land" published in the Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 4 Anthology out of Leicestershire England. *Special thanks to editor Strider Marcus Jones. #Yukon #England #poetrycommunity #poetry #Canada #EveryChildMatters #ResidentialSchools
November 1 2021: View my poem "it was the land" translated into Farci (Persian) at: 2021
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November 1 2021: My poem "it was the land" will be translated into Farci (Persian) and broadcast live on Persian Radio in Ottawa on November 1 at 8:15 pm EDT by host Mansour Noorbakhsh. *The broadcast will also be available on the radio website after live.
October 31 2021: Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween.
Please remember to bring your pets inside this evening!
Fireworks terrify and traumatize wild animals and pets!
Consider This:
- Bees become so disoriented they don’t go back to their hives
- Birds have panic attacks at night causing mass deaths
- Wild animals raising babies abandon their dens in fear
- Fish and other animals perish after ingesting fireworks debris
- Companion animals have anxiety and panic attacks
- Humans are injured and sometimes killed and suffer PTSD
As a guest featured on the New York Parrot TV Show in 2021 I am pleased to learn that two of my poems – “it was the land” in honour of Canadian school children who never returned home and “dwight” in memory of my late brother – will be published in the New York Parrot Anthology Series II.
October 26 2021:

My poem "it was the land" will be translated into Farci (Persian) and broadcast live on Persian Radio in Ottawa on November 1 at 8:15 pm EDT by host Mansour Noorbakhsh. *The broadcast will also be available on the radio website and telegram app after live.
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October 14 2021:Be sure to view my new video at: 2021
October 12 2021: My poem "because i am a sled dog" has been translated into several languages including Italian, Polish and Bengali. Now translated into colloquial Welsh. *Translation by Patrick Cahill. *View the video at:
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October 12 2021: My poem "it was the land" has been accepted for publication in LAWRENCE HOUSE CENTRE FOR THE ARTS - RECKONINGS & RECONCILIATIONS. #Yukon #truthandreconciliation
September 30 2021: In celebration of Canada's first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation you can view my commemorative poem at 2021
October 2 2021: Excited to be a part of the upcoming CanLitScape event showcasing South Asia’s unique literary heritage and Canada’s diverse literary legacy at the Jaipur Literature Festival on October 2 & 3 2021!
September 21 2021: My poem "because i am a sled dog" has been published in English, Polish, Bengali, Italian, and soon to be in Arabic & Welsh. Grazie to my friend Maria Tosti for this lovely Italian translation! *You can view the original video on YouTube at:
September 21 2021: My poem "because i am a sled dog" has been published in English, Polish, Bengali, Italian, and soon to be in Arabic & Welsh. Grazie to my friend Maria Tosti for this lovely Italian translation! *You can view the original video on YouTube at:
September 21 2021: My poem "because i am a sled dog" has been published in English, Polish, Bengali, Italian, and soon to be in Arabic & Welsh. Grazie to my friend Maria Tosti for this lovely Italian translation! *You can view the original video on YouTube at: more:
September 23 2021: My poem "because i am a sled dog" has been published in English, Polish, Bengali, Italian, and soon to be in Arabic & Welsh. Grazie to my friend Maria Tosti for her lovely Italian translation! *You can view the original video on YouTube at: *New Italian translation here. ~~> Read more:
September 15 2021: Check out my latest posts including my poem "because i am a sled dog" translated into Bengali by Mahua Das! ~~> <~~ *View the video in English at: AND see the best review of my performace art!
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September 12 2021 - I'll be featuring at the Poetic Justice event.
August 28 2021: My poem "because I am a sled dog" translated into Bengali. *Translation by Mahua Das. *View the video!

"it's howlin' time!"
In 1995 I was commissioned to write a song to welcome the RCMP Musical Ride to Whitehorse on their first trip to the Yukon. I performed the song I wrote called "Colour Me Canadian" on Canada Day in 1995 and again in 2017 when they returned to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday.
July 12 2021:
As poet laureate of the Yukon I am honoured to be featured at this online event hosted by Owen Sound's poet laureate Richard-Yves Sitoski on Thursday July 15th. You are cordially invited to join us at
~ pj johnson Yukon #PoetLaureate of the #Yukon
July 3 2021: I wrote this song in 1993 about the heartache that mothers of first nations ancestry once faced when their children were taken away to another life in the mission schools. It was first published in York University press around the time of my investiture as poet laureate in 1994. The full realization of that anguish is only now being recognized.
June 28 2021: The sudden advent of the Europeans in North America was a shock to the first peoples who had little or no resistance to diseases like tuberculosis or mind-altering substances like alcohol. When you take the people off the land and put them into a residential school you get disaster. The trauma is generational and it affects my family. This poem is an adaptation of an old genocidal nursery rhyme still used in some classrooms as a song to teach children how to count. *From my book "it's howlin' time!" #Yukon #Canada

A new video about life seen through the eyes of a sled dog and the evolution of Yukon First Nations Land Claims by pj johnson Poet Laureate of the Yukon #yukon #poetlaureate #SledDogs #AboriginalHistoryMonth #IndigenousHistoryMonth
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June 21 2021: A video poem in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day from the Land of the Wolf & Crow. *Watch it here: ~~> 2021
June 14 2021: I was recently honoured to be featured on the 100th episode of the New York Parrot Literary Corner along with host Dustin Pickering.
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June 14 2021: I was recently honoured to be featured on the 100th episode of the New York Parrot Literary Corner along with host Dustin Pickering.
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June 14 2021: I was recently honoured to be featured on the 100th episode of the New York Parrot Literary Corner.
*Click here to watch the video:
Stay tuned to see the video of my interview on the New York Parrot! Coming soon!
April 21 2021: Sorry no news today. We hope to return shortly. In the meantime here's a picture of the head of our security team.
A rare photograph of my investiture in Whitehorse on Canada Day July 1st 1994 when I became the first Canadian poet laureate - standing behind former Yukon Commissioner John Kenneth McKinnon as he reads the official proclamation naming me Poet Laureate of the Yukon. Audrey McLaughlin, former leader of the NDP (seated) also presented me with my personal symbol of office the carved Talking Stick.
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April 1 2021
A rare photograph of my investiture in Whitehorse on Canada Day July 1st 1994 when I became the first Canadian poet laureate - standing behind former Yukon Commissioner John Kenneth McKinnon as he reads the official proclamation naming me Poet Laureate of the Yukon. Audrey McLaughlin, former leader of the NDP (seated) also presented me with my personal symbol of office the carved Talking Stick. *More at 2021
March 29 202: Anyone wishing to sign the petition opposing the ban on this website please click here ~~>
March 23 2021 Canadian Poets Laureate speak out for the protection of old-growth forests.
I am honoured to be a part of this. There is a better way.
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March 23 2021 Canadian Poets Laureate speak out for the protection of old-growth forests. I am honoured to be a part of this. There is a better way.
March 14 2021: Sincere thanks for the many birthday messages! My inbox is overflowing. Navigating Messenger can be difficult due to my NLD but it's clear that while I may not have a ton of money I am rich in friends! ~ PJ & Doc waving from the Yukon! #yukon #gratitude #thankyou
rb1 2021.jpg)
December 8 2020: Introducing my new video called FOOTPRINTS. View at:
December 5 2020:
Published in last night's Whitehorse Star, December 4 2020. I wrote this poem 40 years ago and my good buddy & partner in crime Jim Robb published it in his Colourful 5% Magazine. *The first four lines of this poem are engraved on Harry Fieke's tombstone in Whitehorse Yukon. #Yukon #Whitehorse
"The Drum is Sacred. It is the first sound you hear. It is your mother’s heart-beat.”
©PJ Yukon2000
The 2021 Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race has been CANCELLED!
October 15 2020: For the first time since 1984 there will be NO SLED DOG RACE IN THE YUKON! Congratulations to each and every one of 143,000 petition signers and anyone else who has fought this battle to help protect the northern sled dogs! More at:
On the Downside: FACEBOOK has recently imposed a BAN on my official website blocking all access to and from this website from Facebook - likely due to false claims being made against me by Yukon Quest supporters. This is clear and blatant censorship. I'm asking friends and fellow writers, artists, and animal rights advocates to support me by SIGNING & SHARING this PETITION to have the unjustified ban that Facebook has imposed on my official website removed! *Please sign and tell Facebook to remove the unfounded BAN on this website!
October 7 2020: So.... perhaps you can’t expect to be a controversial animal rights advocate without a little blow-back. It’s clear that the Yukon doesn’t take kindly to animal rights advocates. At least not this one. Most recently:
My initial sled dog petition signed by 2,000 people in good faith was hacked.
My book “it’s howlin’ time!”, dedicated to the plight of the northern sled dogs, has been blackballed because I am a recognised animal rights advocate.
The Yukon Quest 1,000-mile Death Race announced cancellation of the Yukon sector of the 2021 sled dog race.
The Yukon commissioner tried to pressure me into relinquishing my title as Canada’s first and longest-serving poet laureate.
FACEBOOK has imposed a BAN on my official website blocking all access to and from this website from Facebook - likely due to false claims being made against me by Yukon Quest supporters. - Censorship.
So they’re watching me. Let them - I know who I am.
They cannot silence me.
I will always serve as a voice for the sled dogs.
My words will live beyond me.
I am
PJ Yukon Poet Laureate ~ Animal Rights Advocate
*More at: 2020
September 2020: My poetry and the lyrics to one of my songs translated into Polish! More at: 2020
August 15 2020: Last night a friend on Twitter quoted a few lines from a song I wrote many years ago. The video for that song was filmed high atop Mount McIntyre in the Yukon overlooking my mother's old ranch. Click here to view the video The Heart Never Says Goodbye
August 2020: My poem 'because i am a sled dog" has been translated into Polish and published in the BEZKRES Literary Magazine! Read more:
June 28 2020: In honour of Canada Day 2020 I have added a new section to my website located here Canada Day!
June 6 2020: Be sure to view my latest article about the failing Yukon Quest 1,000-mile Sled Dog race! HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 2020 YUKON QUEST 1,000-MILE DEATH RACE
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April 13 2020. And then there was a pandemic. If the only thing we can do to help others is to say a prayer and stay home we are doing enough. - PJ Yukon. Keep the faith. We can do this!
January 2, 2020: The petition to protect the Northern Sled Dogs has just gone over 100,000 signatures! Now signed in over 166 countries on all 7 continents around the world! See the update! Click:
December 26 2019: I recently discovered a poem lying in an old cardboard box along with a hand-scribbled note dated November 16th 1986 that said: “A bit of tripe I was persuaded, god knows why, to conjure.” More here 2019
November 6 2019: It has been announced that Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will no longer wear fur! That's HUGE! Kudo's to the Queen for setting an honourable example! No animal should ever have to suffer & die in agony for the vanity of a human! *As the daughter of a Yukon trapper my message is this: Times change. Let's work together to make this a more humane world!
October 31 2019: Doc and I want to remind everyone to keep animals safe at Halloween! Remember candy can cause organ failure in dogs. Be sure your dog wears identification. Animals are terrified of fireworks & humans wearing masks. Do NOT put them in costumes where they can choke and ingest materials! Keep them safe inside!
Read the latest petition update!
October 19 2019 Petition Update: The petition to help the northern sled dogs has now been signed by a combined total of over 91,000 people from 164 countries on all seven continents around the world but we need more voices to speak for those who cannot. These animals need help! Please take a moment to sign and share the petition at: You are also welcome to make a donation to help promote the petition and keep it relevant. Every donation helps to raise worldwide awareness!
Read more:
When ur dog is mechanically inclined. My little Doc. Always on the job!
September 2019: On September 3rd 2019 I was pleased to attend the Art Bar Poetry Series event out in Toronto Ontario! The place was packed and I enjoyed connecting with friends both new & old. It's always a treat to connect with fellow poets & scribes! A great time was had by all. More pics here ~~> 2019
Canada Day July 1st 2019: It's a great day to be Canadian! Exactly 25 years ago today I was formally invested as Poet Laureate of the Yukon. Happy Canada Day! #CanadaDay #amwriting #Yukon #Poetry #writingcommunity #SledDogs #artsandentertainment #BanIditQuest #PoetLaureate
June 25 2019 Update: Due to ongoing health issues I have had to take a step back from my work as an animal rights advocate. However the sled dogs are never far from my heart and I will be back in full force when I recover. I ask fellow friends & advocates to continue to help raise awareness about the plight of the northern sled dogs and help put an end to the barbaric Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race by sharing the article exposing the truth about how they are exploited and suffer at: and encouraging others to sign & share the petition at Long-distance Sled Dog Racing Is Inhumane!
Just a pic of my handsome little dog.
May 1st 2019 Update: At present a combined total of over 80,000 people from 160 countries on all 7 continents around the world have now signed the petition asking Premier Sandy Silver and the Yukon Government to cease funding the barbaric Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race yet the premier and the Yukon Government continue to fund this cruel event and Premier Silver refuses to respond to all who oppose the race.
February 11 2019: Another year, another Yukon Quest, another dead dog. 'Joker the Sled Dog' died in agony during the 2019 Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race when he choked to death on his own vomit. This is the most common cause of dog deaths in this cruel race. In the past four years at least one dog has died per race. Meanwhile 68,000 people have signed the petition opposing the race and asking Yukon Premier Sandy Silver and his government to STOP FUNDING THE DEATH RACE! To date he continues to ignore them.
January 20 2019: He's here! Meet my new best friend Doc! Puppy-love at first sight! I love dogs - let'sprotect his canine brothers & sisters who need help! ~~>
January 10 2019: Announcing new business partner! This little guy will be arriving in Whitehorse in exactly one week. His name is Doc - Can't wait! #Yukon #CutePuppy #Dogs #Whitehorse
December 17 2018: New Book by PJ Yukon Poet Laureate . "it's howlin' time!" now available on Amazon! Be the first to read it!
“it’s howlin’ time!” is a veritable cornucopia of previously unpublished creative workscomposed in a variety of styles and genres chronicling the life and times of a northern Canadian Poet Laureate. Also known as The Yukon Raven Lady, author PJ Yukon is a passionate animal advocate currently campaigning to protect northern sled dogs. On Canada Day July 1st 2019 she will celebrate her 25th anniversary as Poet Laureate of the Yukon. She is the longest serving Poet Laureate in Canada. ~~>
#CanLit #AmWriting #Yukon #SledDogs #Poet #Laureate
October 21 2018: Rumor has it that the first copies of my new book "it's howlin' time!" should be rolling off the press on Monday. ~ Coming soon to a book shelf near you! ~ In celebration of my upcoming 25th anniversary as Canada's longest serving poet laureate. #Canlit #AmWriting #Yukon 1000 Towns of Canada
*PLEASE NOTE: This update is in Memoriam to honour my beautiful 10 year old yellow lab Marley who passed on September 9th 2018 and also in memory of 'Boppy the Sled Dog' who died in agony during last year's brutal Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race. *Click TO READ THE LATEST UPDATE! ~~> <~~ #BanIditQuest #Yukon #SledDogs
September 13 2018: SANDY SILVER’S YUKON GOVERNMENT CONTINUES TO FUND THE DEATH RACE! Defenseless animals continue to suffer & die in the cruel Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race. *Click to READ THE LATEST UPDATE! #BanIditQuest #Yukon #SledDogs
~~> <~~
September 13 2018: SANDY SILVER’S YUKON GOVERNMENT CONTINUES TO FUND THE DEATH RACE! Defenseless animals continue to suffer & die in the cruel Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race. *Click to READ THE LATEST UPDATE! #BanIditQuest #Yukon #SledDogs
~~> <~~
September 13 2018: It is with great sadness that I must announce the passing of my best friend and business partner Marley-boo who crossed the bridge on Sunday September 9 2018. My dearest Marley thank you for being my friend for ten wonderful years. I will miss you forever.
August 2 2018: Looks like I'll soon be heading down to 'The Big Smoke' again to hang with some great folks! - Poets Rock!
May 12 2018: View my newly-posted video "My Song" . A wordless autobiographical poem composed by pj johnson. ~~> Videos by pj johnson
May 6 2018: Thousands From 112 Countries Around The World Protest Cruel Yukon Quest 1,000-Mile Sled Dog Race! <~~ Click to view the latest update on my campaign to end the cruel and barbaric Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race where animals continue to suffer and die in agony.
Thousands of voices speak out – Abuse of defenceless sled dogs no longer tolerated! Click here to view the latest update on my campaign to end the cruel and barbaric Yukon Quest 1,000-mile sled dog race where animals continue to suffer and die in agony. ~~>
April 5 2018: The petition asking the Yukon Government to withdraw funding from the cruel 1,000-mile Yukon Quest sled dog race initally posted at has been moved to another platform at where supporters can now make comments and also make a donation to help promote the petition if they wish.
The petition has presently been signed by a combined total of 2,000 people in over 70 countries on six continents around the world but we still need more voices to speak for those who cannot. If you care about the horrific plight of the Northern sled dogs please take a moment to sign and share the petition. These animals need help!
February 22 2018: See my updated article on the Yukon Quest sled dog race at: Long-distance Sled Dog Racing Is Inhumane!
Long-distance Sled Dog Racing Is Inhumane!
February 14 2018: Yesterday I watched an entire sled dog team collapse at the finish line after running 1,000 miles in the grueling Yukon Quest sled dog race and this year yet another dog has died on the trail in -52 below. You can read more at pj ANIMAL ADVOCATE! and don’t forget to sign the world-wide petition to protect Yukon sled dogs at
February 12 2018: I am greatly saddened to learn of the tragic death of yet another sled dog in the barbaric 2018 Yukon Quest. Boppy the sled dog died on the trail in minus -52 degree temps trying to please his master. It is believed he choked to death on his own vomit. This has outraged many including myself. I have posted a wold-wide petition online asking the government of the Yukon to withdraw all funding and support for this barbaric race. If you want to help the sled dogs please take a moment to sign this petition - many dogs are still out there on the trail. Prayers for their safe return. Thank You. Click here to sign the world-wide petition ~~>
February 7 2018: As the sled dogs are currently running 1,000 miles in grueling conditions in the Yukon Quest race they are very much on my mind. Today I posted a new video narration of my poem "Because I am a Sled Dog" . Click to view ~~> Videos by pj johnson
February 2 2018: On this eve of the start of the 35th annual Yukon Quest sled dog race I posted an update detailing my participation over the past year as an animal advocate opposing the two cruel 1,000-mile sled dog races - the Yukon Quest and the Alaskan Iditarod. ~~>2018 Poems & Events
December 30th 2017: 2017 has been a year of triumph & challenge. On March 4th 2017 as the 45th annual 1,000-mile Iditarod sled dog race took off in Anchorage Alaska I wrote a poem called “Because I am a Sled Dog” to honour the many sled dogs who have suffered, been abused, and who have died as a result of being forced to run a thousand miles in grueling conditions in the Alaskan Iditarod and the Yukon Quest. Thus began my #BanIditQuest campaign to expose the suffering and exploitation of defenseless animals in the sled dog industry. As the New Year dawns I vow to continue until the last sled dog crosses the last finish line.
As I look back at 2017 I must also applaud the many brave women who have come forward to expose the perpetrators of rape, sexual assault, molestation, and domestic violence and add my voice to the war cry: “#MeToo”. We are the survivors. We have suffered in silence far too long.December 24th 2017: On this frosty Christmas Eve of 2017 here in Whitehorse Yukon Marley and I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Festive Season and we ask that you remember the Sleddogs in your thoughts and prayers. BanIditQuest
December 6th 2017: I just returned home from a fabulous two-day event called Laureate City at the The National Arts Centre - Centre national des Arts in Ottawa. Click here for story & pics! ~~> 2017
November 28th 2017: Tomorrow I begin my journey to Ottawa Ontario to attend this exciting event!
October 24 2017: Be sure to see my new section pj johnson - ANIMAL ADVOCATE! where you will find interesting news about animal welfare and photographs of domestic and wild animals. Just click ~~> pj johnson - ANIMAL ADVOCATE!
September 24 2017: Check out a poem about Dawson City Yukon that was written in 1983 and never been published until now! "faded rose of yukon" ~~> 2017
September 13th 2017: Yukon Howdy & Greetings From the Great White Frosty as the mercury begins to slide and another Yukon Summer slips away and disappears along with the Midnight Sun and another Fabulous Yukon Fall takes hold! I have added much new content here on my website including an updated "Summer 2017 - Stuff I Did" section at ~~> 2017 and a brand-new section that details my journey as an animal advocate at ~~> pj johnson - ANIMAL ADVOCATE! Lots of new photos and a couple of new videos so grab yourself a coffee and check them out! Don't forget to sign the Guestbook!
August 12th 2017: It was a great day to be Canadian and to welcome back to Whitehorse the Magnificent .RC.M.P. Musical Ride with a song called “Colour Me Canadian” that I had originally been commissioned to compose in 1995 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the presence of the RCMP in the north and welcome the RC.M.P. Musical Ride on their first visit to the Yukon. It was a pleasure to welcome them back to Whitehorse with that same song and visit with music legend Hank Karr.
August 2nd 2017: New Video! I recently spoke out against the cruel 'sport' of long-distance sled dog racing during a visit to New Westminster B.C. If you care about the welfare of the creatures with whom we share this planet I invite you to join me in exposing the cruelty behind the scenes of the Yukon Quest and the Alaskan Iditarod 1,000-mile sled dog races and join me in speaking for the voiceless by sharing this video. Available on YouTube and here ~~> pj johnson - ANIMAL ADVOCATE! & #BanIditQuest
Yukon Poet Laureate pj johnson exposes animal cruelty in long distance sled dog racing!
Read more:
July 1st 2017 - Canada's 150th Birthday! Exactly 23 years to the day I was invested as the Yukon's first official Yukon Poet Laureate I was honoured to perform my song "Colour Me Canadian" on what was also my country's 150th birthday! You can view it here ~~> 2017
May 14 2017: I am honoured to be featured in an interview in Bihar, India in the current issue of the Ashvamegh Journal. - An Interview with pj johnson, #Yukon Poet Laureate about her journey as a #poet laureate....
March 15th 2017: Today my manifesto exposing the ugly truth of sled dog racing is being featured in Bihar, India's current issue of the Ashvamegh Journal ~~> . I am also honoured to have my poems featured in Bihar, India in the March issue of the Ashvamegh Journal ~~>
March 6th 2017: As the brutal Iditarod 1,000-mile sled dog race takes off in Alaska today I wrote a poem in honour of sled dogs everywhere. You can view it by clicking here ~~> 2017
March 4th 2017: I just posted a piece I wrote called "It’s Howlin’ Time! – The Painful Truth about Long-Distance Dog Racing" that deals with the darker side of long-distance sled dog racing. Today also marks the start of the 45th annual Iditarod 1,049-mile sled dog race. Click here to view my piece ~~> Long-distance Sled Dog Racing Is Inhumane!
January 20th: I recently attended an event hosted by The Yukon Government along with Parliamentary Poet Laureate George Clarke and Yukon MP Hon. Larry Bagnell where I shared "Colour Me Canadian". Click here for video ~~> 2017
January 11 2017: To see an article about how The Yukon Raven Lady became Poet Laureate click here! ~~> Photos - Looking Back
December 30 2016: Greetings From The Yukon ~ Wishing you all the best of the Festive Season and a Fabulous 2017!
December 24 2016: Marley-boo may be a big boy now but he'll always be my puppy. My business partner Marley & I send warm greetings from The Yukon & wish you the best in 2017!
November 19 2016: I am pleased to share a newly-added poem "just because". Click to view ~~> Newly-Added POEMS - Pics & Video 2016
November 16 2016: I was recently honoured to be featured in an article by Canada's premier lifestyle magazine NUVO: "The Poets Laureate of Canada. What does it mean to be a Canadian poet laureate?" To view just point your browser to: ~~>
November 12 2016: A previously unpublished poem "discovery" was recently included in an artical by NUVO Magazine. *Click ~~> Travel pics & Poetry New West Video 2016 to view.
October 28 2016: Just posted a couple of end of fall pics at ~~> My Yukon! - More Photos 2016. As I gaze out my window it’s hard to believe they were taken a little over a month ago. ~ Greetings to all from me & Marley here in The Great White Frosty!
September 28 2016: Just posted some new pics I took of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they atttended a street party on Main Street Whitehorse. Much excitement in my hometown! Just click here to view ~~> My Yukon! - More Photos 2016
September 19 2016: Just posted some new pics of my travels down through the Chilkat Valley to Haines Alaska, Carcross Yukon, and back home in Whitehorse. Just click here to view ~~> My Yukon! - More Photos 2016
August 8th 2016: I had a great time on my recent trip down to The Big Smoke. Always a pleasure to visit the big city but I’m equally happy to return home to my beautiful Yukon! I’ve posted a few pics from my trip at New 2016 I had a great time on my recent
August 2nd 2016: On July 24th 2016: I joined the folks down at Poetry New West in New Westminster B.C. I've posted a selection of videos of me sharing a few of my creative works on that afternoon under New 2016 . <~~ Just click to view!
Videos courtesy of Ken Ader 'The Video Guy'
July 18th 2016: I'll be heading down to The Big Smoke for a break soon. I'm going to be at Original's Restaurante Mexicano in New Westminster on Sunday July 24th at 2 pm to share a few of my creative works at the Poetry New West gathering. ~ Be sure to drop by if you happen to be in the neighbourhood!”
November 16 2016: I was recently honoured to be featured in an article by Canada's premier lifestyle magazine NUVO: "The Poets Laureate of Canada. What does it mean to be a Canadian poet laureate?" To view just point your browser to: ~~>
~~ Just click here to view!
December 24 2015: My business partner Marley and I want to wish all our friends Merry Christmas and all the best of the festive season!
December 15 2015: I took this shot on a beautiful December morning a couple of days ago just out my back door. Ah the beauty of my homeland! The #Yukon♥ You can also click on ~> New 2015 to see pics from my trip down to 'The Big Smoke' (Vancouver), and B.C.'s beautiful Cariboo country last summer and from a trip through the Chilkat Valley to Haines Alaska last fall.
July 1st 2015: Canada Day 2015! Me & my business partner Marley want to wish our fellow Canadians a safe and happy Canada Day from The Yukon! #CanadaDay #Yukon
On May 30 2015: I attended the Celebration of Life for the late Yukon artist Ted Harrison at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre in Whitehorse with my old friend and partner in crime, Yukon artist Jim Robb.
Ted Harrison was a teacher, mentor, and friend who once invited me to bring my horse to school. So the next morning I unloaded Pepper the Pony at the backdoor of the school, trotted him down the hallway and into the art classroom where he was quite a hit. The story of the horse that came to school has since become something of a Yukon folk legend.
April 1 2015: In celebration of National Poetry Month I was honoured to be featured by dVerse Poet’s Pub where my participation sparked a lively discussion of the poet as storyteller and many comments posted by fellow poets. Just click on the link to view ~~>
March 27 2015: I invite you to view my newly-added poem "there's just no place" composed in honour of the recent passing of two loved ones. Just click ~~> New 2015
December 13 2014: I invite you to view a newly-posted poem "as i walk into the green garden".
Just click ~~> New June - December 2014
November 10 2014: On the eve of Remembrance Day 2014, my business partner Marley-boo and I want to wish everyone a safe and meaningful Remembrance Day. God Bless all who wear a uniform to keep our country safe and bless the families of our heroes both past and present. We Will Remember You.
October 31 2014: In the spirit of Halloween I've posted a piece called "welcome to my fantis-phere" under the New June - October 2014 section of this website. Check it out!
August 29 2014: Today is my business partner's 6th birthday. We decided to hang out at a Canadian Tire.
Happy Birthday Marley-boo!
August 20 2014: Well summer is winding down in The Yukon and fall is in the air so I've been out and about taking in the breathless beauty that surrounds me. I will post more pictures and videos of my travels shortly. - In the meantime here's a pic of me living it up in Alaska at the Honeymoon Hotel - Chilkat Valley near Haines Alaska.
June 16 2014: My business partner and I are happy to announce a newly-added piece called "hey o.d." located under the "New June 2014" section of this website. It is a reflection of my experience as a young woman living in the Yukon wilderness in the 1970's. Also another poem, "faith is" added
June 18 2014: Thanx for dropping by - More to come so be sure to drop back again.
My First Website News Post: Sorry no news today. We're still under construction so stay tuned! In the meantime here's a picture of my business partner.
Little Owl